The Lost Books of the Bible: The Great Rejected Texts Read online

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  5 It is good to go morning, midday, and evening into the Lord’s house, for the glory of your creator.

  6 Because every breathing thing glorifies him, and every creature, both physical and spiritual, gives him praise. (Gives His praise back to Him.)

  Chapter 52

  1 Blessed is the man who opens his lips in praise of God of Sabaoth (Host / army) and praises the Lord with his heart.

  2 Cursed is every man who opens his lips for the purpose of bringing contempt and slander to (of) his neighbor, because he brings God into contempt.

  3 Blessed is he who opens his lips blessing and praising God.

  4 Cursed before the Lord all the days of his life, is he who opens his lips to curse and abuse.

  5 Blessed is he who blesses all the Lord’s works.

  6 Cursed is he who brings the Lord’s creation into contempt.

  7 Blessed is he who looks down and raises the fallen.

  8 Cursed is he who looks to and is eager for the destruction of what is not his.

  9 Blessed is he who keeps the foundations of his fathers that were made firm from the beginning.

  10 Cursed is he who corrupts the doctrine of his forefathers.

  11 Blessed is he who imparts peace and love.

  12 Cursed is he who disturbs those that love their neighbors.

  13 Blessed is he who speaks with humble tongue and heart to all.

  14 Cursed is he who speaks peace with his tongue, while in his heart there is no peace but a sword.

  15 For all these things will be laid bare in the scales of balance and in the books, on the day of the great judgment.

  Chapter 53

  1 And now, my children, do not say: “Our father is standing before God, and is praying for our sins. For there is there no helper for any man who has sinned.

  2 You see how I wrote down all of the works of every man, before his creation, all that is done among all men for all time, and none can tell or relate my writing, because the Lord sees all imaginings of man, and how they are empty and prideful, where they lie in the treasure houses of the heart.

  3 And now, my children, mark well all the words of your father that I tell you, or you will be regretful, saying: Why did our father not tell us?

  (Note: although chapters 51 and 52 seem similar to the Sermon on the Mount, Chapter 53 offers no balance between mercy and justice. “There is no helper for any man who has sinned,” is a statement excluding a savior. Scholars point to this verse to conclude 2 Enoch is a Jewish text. As stated before, 2 Enoch seems to be a Jewish text that was Christianized by additions and embellishment of the core text. Chapter 53 is part of the core Jewish text, likely written before the Christian sect.)

  Chapter 54

  1 Let these books, which I have given you, be for an inheritance of your peace in that time that you do not understand this.

  2 Hand them to all who want them, and instruct them, that they may see the Lord’s very great and marvelous works.

  Chapter 55

  1 My children, behold, the day of my determined period (term and time) has approached.

  2 For the angels who shall go with me are standing before me and urge me to my departure from you. They are standing here on earth, awaiting what has been told them.

  3 For tomorrow I shall go up to heaven, to the uppermost Jerusalem, to my eternal inheritance.

  4 Therefore I bid you to do the Lord’s good pleasure before his face at all times.

  (Note: The Jerusalem spoken of here is the spiritual Jerusalem, spoken of by John, coming down from heaven. The name, “Jerusalem” refers to the components of the actual name, which break down to mean “provision” and “peace”.)

  Chapter 56”

  1 Methuselah answered his father Enoch, and said: What (food) is agreeable to your eyes, father, that I may prepare before your face, that you may bless our houses, and your sons, and that your people may be made glorious through you, and then that you may depart, as the Lord said?”

  2 Enoch answered his son Methuselah and said: “Hear me, my child. From the time when the Lord anointed me with the ointment of his glory, there has been no food in me, and my soul remembers not earthly enjoyment, neither do I want anything earthly.”

  Chapter 57

  1 My child Methuselah, summon all your brethren and all of your household and the elders of the people, that I may talk to them and depart, as is planned for me.

  2 And Methuselah hurried, and summoned his brethren, Regim, Riman, Uchan, Chermion, Gaidad, and all the elders of the people before the face of his father Enoch; and he blessed them, and said to them:

  Chapter 58

  1 “Listen to me, my children, today.

  2 In those days when the Lord came down to earth for Adam’s sake, and visited all his creatures, which he created himself, after all these he created Adam, and the Lord called all the beasts of the earth, all the reptiles, and all the birds that soar in the air, and brought them all before the face of our father Adam.

  3 And Adam gave names to all things living on earth.

  4 And the Lord appointed him ruler over all, and subjected all things to him under his hands, and made them dumb and made them dull that they would be commanded by man, and be in subjection and obedience to him.

  5 The Lord also created every man lord over all his possessions.

  6 The Lord will not judge a single soul of beast for man’s sake, but He judges the souls of men through their beasts in this world, for men have a special place.

  7 And as every soul of man is according to number, similarly beasts will not perish, nor all souls of beasts which the Lord created, until the great judgment, and they will accuse man, if he did not feed them well.

  Chapter 59

  1 Whoever defiles the soul of beasts, defiles his own soul.

  2 For man brings clean animals to make sacrifice for sin, that he may have cure for his soul.

  3 And if they bring clean animals and birds for sacrifice, man has a cure. He cures his soul.

  4 All is given you for food, bind it by the four feet, to make good the cure.

  5 But whoever kills beast without wounds, kills his own souls and defiles his own flesh.

  6 And he who does any beast any injury whatsoever, in secret, it is evil practice, and he defiles his own soul.

  (Note: To kill without a wound is to inflict blunt force trauma - to beat them to death.)

  Chapter 60

  1 He who works the killing of a man’s soul (he who murders), kills his own soul, and kills his own body, and there is no cure for him for all time.

  2 He who puts a man in any snare (moral entrapment), shall stick himself in it, and there is no cure for him for all time.

  3 He who puts a man in any vessel, his retribution will not be wanting at the great judgment for all time.

  4 He who works dishonestly or speaks evil against any soul, will not make justice for himself for all time.

  Chapter 61

  1 And now, my children, keep your hearts from every injustice, which the Lord hates. Just as a man asks something for his own soul from God, so let him do the same to every living soul, because I know all things, how in the great time to come there is a great inheritance prepared for men, good for the good, and bad for the bad, no matter the number.

  2 Blessed are those who enter the good houses, for in the bad houses there is no peace or return from them.

  3 Hear, my children, small and great! When man puts a good thought in his heart, it brings gifts from his labors before the Lord’s face. But if his hands did not make them, then the Lord will turn away his face from the labor of his hand, and (that) man cannot find the labor of his hands.

  4 And if his hands made it, but his heart murmurs (complains), and his heart does not stop murmurs incessantly, he does not have (gain) any advantage.

  Chapter 62

  1 Blessed is the man who, in his patience, brings his gifts with faith before the Lord’s face, because he will find forgiveness of sins.

  2 But if he takes back his words before the time, there is no repentance for him; and if the time passes and he does not of his own will perform what is promised, there is no repentance after death.

  3 Because every work which man does before the time (outside the time he has promised it), is all deceit before men, and sin before God.

  Chapter 63

  1 When man clothes the naked and fills the hungry, he will find reward from God.

  2 But if his heart complains, he commits a double evil; ruin of himself and of that which he gives; and for him there will be no finding of reward because of that.

  3 And if his own heart is filled with his food and his own flesh is clothed with his own clothing, he commits contempt, and will forfeit all his endurance of poverty, and will not find reward of his good deeds. (If he is selfish and does not add to the economy of others…)

  4 Every proud and pontificating man is hateful to the Lord, and every false speech is clothed in lies. It will be cut with the blade of the sword of death, and thrown into the fire, and shall burn for all time.

  Chapter 64

  1 When Enoch had spoken these words to his sons, all people far and near heard how the Lord was calling Enoch. They took counsel together:

  2 Let us go and kiss Enoch, and two thousand men came together and came to the place called Achuzan, where Enoch was with his sons.

  3 And the elders of the people with the entire assembly came and bowed down and began to kiss Enoch and said to him:

  4 “Our father Enoch, may you be blessed by the Lord, the eternal ruler, and now bless your sons and all the people, that we may be glorified today before your face.

  5 For you shall be glorified before the Lord’s face for eternity, since the Lord chose you from among all men on earth, and designated you as the writer of all his creation, both physical and spiritual, and you are redeemed from the sins of man, and are the helper of your household.”

  Chapter 65

  1 And Enoch said to all his people: “Hear me, my children. Before all creatures were created, the Lord created the physical and spiritual things.

  2 And then a long term passed. Then after all of that he created man in the likeness of his own form, and put eyes into him to see, and ears into him to hear, and a heart to reflect, and intellect to enable him to deliberate.

  3 And the Lord saw all the works of man, and created all his creatures, and divided time. From time he determined the years, and from the years he appointed the months, and from the months he appointed the days, and of days he appointed seven.

  4 And in those he appointed the hours, measured them out exactly, that man might reflect on time and count years, months, and hours, as they alternate from beginning to end, so that he might count his own life from the beginning until death, and reflect on his sin and write his works, both bad and good. No work is hidden from the Lord, so that every man might know his works and never transgress all his commandments, and keep my writing from generation to generation.

  5 When all creation, both physical and spiritual, as the Lord created it, shall end, then every man goes to the great judgment, and then all time shall be destroyed along with the years. And from then on there will be neither months nor days nor hours. They will run together and will not be counted.

  6 There will be one eon, and all the righteous who shall escape the Lord’s great judgment, shall be collected in the great eon. For the righteous the great eon will begin, and they will live eternally, and there will be no labor, nor sickness, nor humiliation, nor anxiety, nor need, nor brutality, nor night, nor darkness, but great light among them.

  7 And they shall have a great indestructible wall, and a paradise that is bright and eternal, for all mortal things shall pass away, and there will be eternal life.

  (Note: an eon is one billion years but is used to mean a very long but indefinite period of time. The word “eternal” means “unchanging, incorruptible, immortal.” The word used for “mortal” is the opposite of “eternal”, thus, “mortal, corruptible, changing.”)

  Chapter 66

  1 And now, my children, keep your souls from all injustice the Lord hates.

  2 Walk before his face with great fear (respect) and trembling and serve him only.

  3 Bow down to the true God, not to dumb idols, but bow down to his likeness, and bring all just offerings before the Lord’s face. The Lord hates what is unjust.

  (Note: This is an odd command issued by Enoch, that the people are not to bow to dumb idols but are to bow to the likeness or similitude of God.)

  4 For the Lord sees all things; when man takes thought in his heart, then he counsels the intellects, and every thought is always before the Lord, who made firm the earth and put all creatures on it.

  5 If you look to heaven, the Lord is there; if you take thought of the sea’s deep and all under the earth, the Lord is there.

  6 For the Lord created all things. Bow not down to things made by man, leaving the Lord of all creation, because no work can remain hidden before the Lord’s face.

  7 Walk, my children, in long-suffering, in meekness, honesty, in thoughtfulness, in grief, in faith and in truth. Walk in (rely on) promises, in (times of) illness, in abuse, in wounds, in temptation, in nakedness, in privation, loving one another, until you go out from this age of ills, that you become inheritors of endless time.

  8 Blessed are the just who shall escape the great judgment, for they shall shine forth more than the sun sevenfold, for in this world the seventh part is taken off from all, light, darkness, food, enjoyment, sorrow, paradise, torture, fire, frost, and other things; he put all down in writing, that you might read and understand.

  Chapter 67

  1 When Enoch had talked to the people, the Lord sent out darkness on to the earth, and there was darkness, and it covered those men standing with Enoch, and they took Enoch up on to the highest heaven, where the Lord is. And there God received him and placed him before His face, and the darkness went off from the earth, and light came again.

  2 And the people saw and did not understand how Enoch had been taken, and they glorified God, and found a scroll in which was written “The God of the Spiritual.” Then all went to their dwelling places.

  Chapter 68

  1 Enoch was born on the sixth day of the month Tsivan (the first month of the year), and lived three hundred and sixty-five years.

  2 He was taken up to heaven on the first day of the month Tsivan and remained in heaven sixty days.

  3 He wrote all these signs of all creation, which the Lord created, and wrote three hundred and sixty-six books, and handed them over to his sons and remained on earth thirty days, and was again taken up to heaven on the sixth day of the month Tsivan, on the very day and hour when he was born.

  4 As every man’s nature in this life is dark, so are also his conception, birth, and departure from this life.

  5 At what hour he was conceived, at that hour he was born, and at that hour too he died.

  6 Methuselah and his brethren, all the sons of Enoch, made haste, and erected an altar at that place called Achuzan, where Enoch had been taken up to heaven.

  7 And they took sacrificial oxen and summoned all people and sacrificed the sacrifice before the Lord’s face.

  8 All people, the elders of the people and the whole assembly came to the feast and brought gifts to the sons of Enoch.

  9 And they made a great feast, rejoicing and making merry three days, praising God, who had given them such a sign through Enoch, who had found favor with him, and that they should hand it on to their sons from generation to generation, from age to age. Amen.

  (Note: Enoch was born on the 6th day of Tsivan. Tsivan is the first month of the year. The sum is seven, one of the holy numbers. He lived 365 years. One year of years. He remained in heaven 60 days. Six is the number of man, which always falls short of God.)

  The Short Version Ends Here

  The wife of Nir was Sopanim. She was sterile and never had at any time given birth to a child b
y Nir.

  Sopanim was in her old age and in the last days (time) of her death. She conceived in her womb, but Nir the priest had not slept with her from the day that that the Lord had appointed him to conduct the liturgy in front of the face of the people.

  When Sopanim saw her pregnancy, she was ashamed and embarrassed, and she hid herself during all the days until she gave birth. Not one of the people knew about it. When 282 days had been completed, and the day of birth had begun to approach, Nir thought about his wife, and he called her to come to him in his house, so that he might converse with her.

  Sopanim came to Nir, her husband; and, behold, she was pregnant, and the day appointed for giving birth was drawing near. Nir saw her and became very ashamed. He said to her, "What is this that you have done, O wife? Why have you disgraced me in front of the face of these people? Now, depart from me and go back to where you began this disgrace of your womb, so that I might not defile my hands in front of The Face of The Lord on account of you and sin."

  Sopanim spoke to her husband, Nir, saying, "O my lord! Look at me. It is the time of my old age, the day of my death has arrived. I do not understand how my menopause and the barrenness of my womb have been reversed." But Nir did not believe his wife, and for the second time he said to her, "Depart from me, or else I might assault you, and commit a sin in front of the face of The Lord."