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The Lost Books of the Bible: The Great Rejected Texts Page 40

  15 Pharaoh gave back Sarai, the wife of Abram, and he sent him out of the land of Egypt, and he journeyed to the place where he had pitched his tent at the beginning, to the place of the altar, with Ai on the east, and Bethel on the west, and he blessed the Lord his God who had brought him back in peace.

  16 In the forty-first jubilee in the third year of the first week, that he returned to this place and offered on it a burnt sacrifice, and called on the name of the Lord, and said, “You, the most high God, are my God forever and ever.”

  17 In the fourth year of this week Lot parted from him, and Lot lived in Sodom, and the men of Sodom sinned greatly.

  18 It grieved him in his heart that his brother’s son had parted from him because Abram had no children.

  19 After Lot had parted from him, in the fourth year of this week. In that year when Lot was taken captive, the Lord said to Abram, “Lift up your eyes from the place where you are dwelling, northward and southward, and westward and eastward.

  20 All the land that you see I will give to you and to your offspring forever, and I will make your offspring as the sand of the sea, though a man may number the dust of the earth, yet your offspring shall not be numbered.

  21 Arise, walk through the land in the length of it and the breadth of it, and see it all. To your offspring will I give it.” And Abram went to Hebron, and lived there.

  22 And in this year came Chedorlaomer, king of Elam, and Amraphel, king of Shinar, and Arioch king of Sellasar, and Tergal, king of nations, and killed the king of Gomorrah, and the king of Sodom fled, and many fell through wounds in the valley of Siddim, by the Salt Sea.

  23 They took captive Sodom and Adam and Zeboim, and they took Lot captive, the son of Abram’s brother, and all his possessions, and they went to Dan.

  24 One who had escaped came and told Abram that his brother’s son had been taken captive.

  25 And Abram equipped his household servants for Abram, and for his offspring, a tenth of the first-fruits to the Lord, and the Lord ordained it as a law forever that they should give it to the priests who served before Him, that they should possess it forever.

  26 There is no limit of days to this law, for He has ordained it for the generations forever that they should give to the Lord the tenth of everything, of the seed and of the wine and of the oil and of the cattle and of the sheep.

  27 He gave it to His priests to eat and to drink with joy before Him.

  28 The king of Sodom came and bowed down to him, and said, “Our Lord Abram, give to us the souls which you have rescued, but let the booty be yours.”

  29 And Abram said to him, “I lift up my hands to the Most High God, that from a thread to a shoe-latchet I shall not take anything that is yours so that you could never say, I have made Abram rich, except only what the young men, Aner and Eschol, and Mamre have eaten, and the portion of the men who went with me. These shall take their portion.”

  [Chapter 14]

  1 After these things, in the fourth year of this week, on the new moon of the third month, the word of the Lord came to Abram

  in a dream, saying, “Fear not, Abram, I am your defender, and your reward will be very great.”

  2 He said, “Lord, Lord, what will you give me, seeing I go from here childless, and the son of Maseq, the son of my handmaid, Eliezer of Damascus, he will be my heir, and to me you have given no offspring.”

  3 He said to him, “This man will not be your heir, but one that will come out of your own bowels. He will be your heir.”

  4 And He brought him out abroad, and said to him, “Look toward heaven and number the stars if you are able to number them.”

  5 He looked toward heaven, and beheld the stars. And He said to him, “so shall your offspring be.”

  6 And he believed in the Lord, and it was counted to him as righteousness.

  7 God said to him, “I am the Lord that brought you out of Ur of the Chaldees, to give you the land of the Canaanites to possess it forever, and I will be God to you and to your offspring after you.”

  8 He said, “Lord, Lord, how shall I know that I shall inherit it?”

  9 God said to him, “Take Me a heifer of three years, and a goat of three years, and a sheep of three years, and a turtle-dove, and a pigeon.”

  10 And he took all these in the middle of the month and he dwelt at the oak of Mamre, which is near Hebron.

  11 He built an altar there, and sacrificed all these. He poured their blood on the altar, and divided them in half, and laid them over against each other, but the birds he did not divide.

  12 Birds came down on the pieces, and Abram drove them away, and did not permit the birds to touch them.

  13 It happened, when the sun had set, that an ecstasy fell on Abram, and such a horror of great darkness fell on him, and it was said to Abram, “Know of a surety that your offspring shall be a stranger in a land that is not theirs, and they shall be brought into bondage, and afflicted for four hundred years.

  14 The nation also to whom they will be in bondage will I judge, and after that they shall come out from that place with many possessions.

  15 You will go to your fathers in peace, and be buried in a good old age.

  16 But in the fourth generation they shall return here, for the iniquity of the Amorites is not yet full.”

  17 And he awoke from his sleep, and he arose, and the sun had set; and there was a flame, and a furnace was smoking, and a flame of fire passed between the pieces.

  18 On that day the Lord made a covenant with Abram, saying, “To your offspring will I give this land, from the river of Egypt to the great river, the river Euphrates, the Kenites, the Kenizzites, the Kadmonites, the Perizzites, and the Rephaim, the Phakorites, and the Hivites, and the Amorites, and the Canaanites, and the Girgashites, and the Jebusites.

  19 The day passed, and Abram offered the pieces, and the birds, and their fruit offerings, and their drink offerings, and the fire devoured them.

  20 On that day we made a covenant with Abram, in the same way we had covenanted with Noah in this month; and Abram renewed the festival and laws for himself forever.

  21Abram rejoiced, and made all these things known to Sarai his wife. He believed that he would have offspring, but she did not bear.

  22 Sarai advised her husband Abram, and said to him, “Go in to Hagar, my Egyptian maid, it may be that I shall build up offspring to you by her.”

  23Abram listened to the voice of Sarai his wife, and said to her, “Do so.” And Sarai took Hagar, her maid, the Egyptian, and gave her to Abram, her husband, to be his wife.

  24 He went in to her, and she conceived and gave birth to a son, and he called his name Ishmael, in the fifth year of this week; and this was the eighty-sixth year in the life of Abram.

  [Chapter 15]

  1 In the fifth year of the fourth week of this jubilee, in the third month, in the middle of the month, Abram celebrated the feast of the first-fruits of the grain harvest.

  2 And he made new offerings on the altar, the first-fruits of the produce to the Lord, a heifer, and a goat, and a sheep on the altar as a burnt sacrifice to the Lord; their fruit offerings and their drink offerings he offered on the altar with frankincense.

  3 The Lord appeared to Abram, and said to him, “I am God Almighty. Examine yourself and demonstrate yourself before me and be perfect.

  4 I will make My covenant between Me and you, and I will multiply you greatly.”

  5 Abram fell on his face, and God talked with him, and said, “My law is with you, and you will be the father of many nations.

  6 Neither shall your name any more be called Abram, but your name from now on, even forever, shall be Abraham.

  7 For I have made you the father of many nations.

  8 I will make you very great, and I will make you into nations, and kings shall come forth from you.

  9 I shall establish My covenant between Me and you, and your offspring after you, throughout their generations, for an eternal covenant, so that I may be a God to you,
and to your offspring after you.

  10 You may possess the land where you have been a sojourner, the land of Canaan, and you will possess it forever, and I will be their God.”

  11 The Lord said to Abraham, “Keep my covenant, you and your offspring after you, and circumcise every male among you, and circumcise your foreskins, and it shall be a token of an eternal covenant between Me and you.

  12 And the eighth day you shall circumcise the child, every male throughout your generations, him that is born in the house, or whom you have bought with money from any stranger, whom you have acquired who is not of your offspring.

  13 He that is born in your house shall surely be circumcised, and those whom you have bought with money shall be circumcised, and My covenant shall be in your flesh for an eternal ordinance.

  14 The uncircumcised male who is not circumcised in the flesh of his foreskin on the eighth day, that soul shall be cut off from his people, for he has broken My covenant.”

  15 God said to Abraham, “As for Sarai your wife, her name shall no more be called Sarai, but Sarah shall be her name.

  16 I will bless her, and give you a son by her, and I will bless him, and he shall become a nation, and kings of nations shall proceed from him.”

  17 Abraham fell on his face, and rejoiced, and said in his heart, “Shall a son be born to him that is a hundred years old, and shall Sarah, who is ninety years old, bring forth?”

  18 Abraham said to God, “Oh, that Ishmael might live before you!”

  19 God said, “Yea, and Sarah also shall bear you a son, and you will call his name Isaac, and I will establish My covenant with him, an everlasting covenant, and for his offspring after him.

  20 And as for Ishmael also have I heard you, and behold I will bless him, and make him great, and multiply him greatly, and he shall beget twelve princes, and I will make him a great nation.

  21 But My covenant will I establish with Isaac, whom Sarah shall bear to you this time next year.”

  22 God ceased speaking with him, and God went up from Abraham.

  23 Abraham did according as God had said to him, and he took Ishmael his son, and all that were born in his house, and whom he had bought with his money, every male in his house, and circumcised the flesh of their foreskin.

  24 On that same day was Abraham circumcised, and all the men of his house, and all those whom he had bought with money from the children of the stranger were circumcised with him.

  25 This law is for all the generations forever, and there is no variance of days, and no omission of one day out of the eight days, for it is an eternal law, ordained and written on the heavenly tablets.

  26 Every one that is born, the flesh of whose foreskin is not circumcised on the eighth day, does not belong to the children of the covenant which the Lord made with Abraham, but instead they belong to the children of destruction; nor is there any other sign on him that he is the Lord’s, but he is destined to be destroyed and killed from the earth, and to be rooted out of the earth, for he has broken the covenant of the Lord our God.

  27 All the angels of the presence (of the Lord) and all the angels of sanctification have been created already circumcised from the day of their creation, and before the angels of the presence (of the Lord) and the angels of sanctification He has sanctified Israel, that they should be with Him and with His holy angels.

  28 Command the children of Israel and let them observe the sign of this covenant for their generations as an eternal law, and they will not be rooted out of the land.

  29 For the command is ordained for a covenant, that they should observe it forever among all the children of Israel.

  30 For Ishmael and his sons and his brothers, and Esau, the Lord did not cause them to come to Him, and he did not choose them. Although they are the children of Abraham, He knew them, but He chose Israel to be His people.

  31 He sanctified them, and gathered them from among all the children of men; for there are many nations and many peoples, and all are His, and over all nations He has placed spirits in authority to lead them astray from Him.

  32 But over Israel He did not appoint any angel or spirit, for He alone is their ruler, and He will preserve them and require them at the hand of His angels and His spirits, and at the hand of all His powers in order that He may preserve them and bless them, that they may be His and He may be theirs from now on forever.

  33 I announce to you that the children of Israel will not keep true to this law, and they will not circumcise their sons according to all this law; for in the flesh of their circumcision they will omit this circumcision of their sons, and all of the sons of Beliar will leave their sons uncircumcised as they were born.

  34 There will be great wrath from the Lord against the children of Israel because they have forsaken His covenant and turned aside from His word, and provoked (God) and blasphemed, because they do not observe the ordinance of this law; for they have treated their genitalia like the Gentiles, so that they may be removed and rooted out of the land. And there will no more be pardon or forgiveness to them for all the sin of this eternal error.

  [Chapter 16]

  1 On the new moon of the fourth month we appeared to Abraham, at the oak of Mamre, and we talked with him, and we announced to him that Sarah, his wife, would give him a son.

  2 And Sarah laughed, for she heard that we had spoken these words to Abraham. We warned her, and she became afraid, and denied that she had laughed because of the words.

  3 We told her the name of her son, as his name is ordained and written in the heavenly tablets and it is Isaac.

  4 We told her that when we returned to her at a set time, she would have conceived a son.

  5 In this month the Lord executed his judgments on Sodom, and Gomorrah, and Zeboim, and all the region of the Jordan, and He burned them with fire and brimstone, and destroyed them and they are destroyed until this day, because of all their works. They are wicked and vast sinners, and they defile themselves and commit fornication in their flesh, and work uncleanness on the earth as I have told you.

  6 In like manner, God will execute judgment on the places where they have done similar to the uncleanness of the Sodomites, and they will suffer a judgment like that of Sodom.

  7 But for Lot, we made an exception, for God remembered Abraham, and sent him out from the place of the overthrow.

  8 And he and his daughters committed sin on the earth, such as had not been on the earth since the days of Adam until his time, for the man had sex with his daughters.

  9 It was commanded and engraved concerning all his offspring, on the heavenly tablets, to remove them and root them out, and to execute judgment on them like the judgment of Sodom, and to leave no offspring of that man on earth on the day of condemnation.

  10 In this month Abraham moved from Hebron, and departed and lived between Kadesh and Shur in the mountains of Gerar.

  11 In the middle of the fifth month he moved from that place, and lived at the Well of the Oath.

  12 In the middle of the sixth month the Lord visited Sarah and did to her as He had spoken and she conceived.

  13 And she gave birth to a son in the third month. In the middle of the month, at the time of which the Lord had spoken to Abraham, on the festival of the first-fruits of the harvest, Isaac was born.

  14 Abraham circumcised his son on the eighth day, he was the first that was circumcised according to the covenant that is ordained forever.

  15 In the sixth year of the fourth week we came to Abraham at the Well of the Oath, and we appeared to him.

  16 We returned in the seventh month, and found Sarah with child before us and we blessed him, and we announced to him all the things that had been decreed concerning him, so that he should not die until he should beget six more sons and saw them before he died.

  17 But in Isaac should his name and offspring be called, and that all the offspring of his sons should be Gentiles, and be counted with the Gentiles; but from the sons of Isaac one should become a holy offspring, and should
not be counted among the Gentiles.

  18 For he should become the portion (dowry) of the Most High, and all his offspring had fallen into the possession of God, that they should be to the Lord a people for His possession above all nations and that they should become a kingdom and priests and a holy nation.

  19 We went our way, and we announced to Sarah all that we had told him, and they both rejoiced with very great joy.

  20 He built there an altar to the Lord who had delivered him, and who was causing him to rejoice in the land of his sojourning, and he celebrated a festival of joy in this month for seven days, near the altar which he had built at the Well of the Oath.

  21 He built tents for himself and for his servants on this festival, and he was the first to celebrate the feast of tabernacles on the earth.

  22 During these seven days he brought a burnt offering to the Lord each day to the altar consisting of two oxen, two rams, seven sheep, one male goat, for a sin offering that he might atone thereby for himself and for his offspring.

  23 As an offering of thanks he brought, seven rams, seven kids, seven sheep, and seven male goats, and their fruit offerings and their drink offerings; and he burnt all the fat of it on the altar, a chosen offering to the Lord for a sweet smelling odor.

  24 Morning and evening he burnt fragrant substances, frankincense and incense, and sweet spice, and nard, and myrrh, and spice, and aromatic plants; all these seven he offered, crushed, mixed together in equal parts and pure.

  25 And he celebrated this feast during seven days, rejoicing with all his heart and with all his soul, he and all those who were in his house, and there was no stranger with him, nor any that was uncircumcised.

  26 He blessed his Creator who had created him in his generation, for He had created him according to His good pleasure. God knew and perceived that from him would arise the plant of righteousness for the eternal generations, and from him a holy offspring, so that it should become like Him who had made all things.